Prepare to be enchanted this March with the debut of Cheekwood’s Masterpiece Art Series. This new series, dedicated to showing a single or small grouping of iconic, world-renowned masterworks, introduces its inaugural exhibition with a dancer sculpture, Etude de nu pour la danseuse habillée, by Edgar Degas. The bronze is a rare loan from the Marlene and Spencer Hays collection.
Closely related to Edgar Degas’ Little Dancer with tutu and satin hair ribbon, the Hays collection sculpture, standing over two feet tall, is a superb example of the artist’s most celebrated theme: the ballerina. The sculpture is a true masterpiece, depicting the young dancer’s grace and poise. Degas explored and exquisitely captured the movement of ballet, immortalizing the subject’s power and elegance.
Continuing Cheekwood’s long-standing tradition of bringing high-quality art to Nashville, The Masterpiece Art Series is a celebration of artistic brilliance. For an unparalleled art experience, see the Little Dancer on view in the Mansion galleries in conjunction with the special exhibition Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist.