- A classroom pre-visit with Cheekwood’s Garden Educator to introduce students to the program and the plants they will be growing.
- A field trip to Cheekwood, where each class will plant seeds in their own garden bed, learn about plant adaptations and pollinators, and plant seeds to take back to the classroom.
- Continued engagement between the Garden Educator and the third grade via emails, photos, and in-person or virtual visits to allow students to monitor the growth of what they planted at Cheekwood and share what they are seeing with the plants they are caring for at school.
- A Destination Cheekwood family field trip on a weekend allowing students and their families to see their garden beds, harvest and cook with the produce they grew, and explore the rest of Cheekwood. Families will be provided with a year-long family membership to come back again and again.
Please note that this program is designed for an entire third grade at Title 1 schools. Participating schools must agree to each component of the program listed above.
For more information about the program please email [email protected].