Each year, Cheekwood receives submissions from students in public schools, private schools, homeschool programs, and other educational programs in the following counties:
Bedford; Cheatham; Davidson; Dickson; Giles; Marshall; Maury; Robertson; Rutherford; Sumner; Williamson; Wilson
The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, a national nonprofit organization, was established in 1994 to provide guidance and support for the next generation. The Alliance fosters the creative development of youth across the country through The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, the most prestigious recognition initiative for creative teens, and the largest source of scholarships for young artists. Alumni of the Scholastic Art Awards include artists Andy Warhol, Philip Pearlstein, Cy Twombly, Robert Indiana, Kay WalkingStick, Mozelle Thompson, Hughie Lee-Smith, and John Baldessari.
For more information, visit the Scholastic Affiliate page here.
View 2025 Scholastic Award Winners
View 2024 Scholastic Award Winners
View 2023 Scholastic Award Winners
The Process
Students submit photographs of their works online to be judged at Cheekwood by expert panels of jurors. Jurors pour over hundreds of works of art, looking for the following:
Work that breaks from convention, blurs the boundaries between genres, and challenges notions of how a particular concept or emotion can be expressed.
Technical Skill:
Work that uses technique to advance an original perspective or a personal vision or voice, and show skills being utilized to create something unique, powerful, and innovative.
Emergence of a Personal Vision:
Work with an authentic and unique point of view and style.
Award Categories
American Vision Awards
The American Vision Awards is a national-level recognition that showcases the best works of each region. The American Vision nominees in the Middle Tennessee Region receive a Gold Key Certificate and an American Visions Nomination Seal. Of the five nominated works from our region, one is selected in national judging to receive an American Vision Medal, which is the highest regional honor.
Gold Key Awards
Gold Key artwork demonstrates the highest level of achievement in technique, originality, and personal voice. Gold Key Award winners receive a certificate, a lapel pin, and the opportunity to compete nationally in New York City. Gold Key awarded works are displayed in the Frist Learning Center Great Hall during the Scholastic Art Exhibition.
Silver Key Awards
Silver Key artwork demonstrates achievement worthy of recognition on the regional level. Award winners are recognized for the exceptional quality and execution of their artwork and receive a certificate and lapel pin. Silver Key awarded works are displayed digitally in the Frist Learning Center Great Hall.
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention artworks are accomplished works that show great skill and potential. Award winners are recognized for their skill with a certificate.
Get Started
If you have questions about the Middle Tennessee Scholastic Art Awards, please contact the Education Department at [email protected] or 615-354-6374.