Tots! Activity: Squirrel Puppets
As Cheekwood’s Tots program is temporarily suspended, we are sharing today’s activity for parents and tots to activate at home. Use our files to create your own squirrel puppets, then share your work with us by tagging @cheekwood on Instagram and using #cheekwoodtots!
Here’s what you’ll need:• Squirrel template *See template below
• Brown construction paper
• Scissors
• Glue
• Popsicle stick
• Markers
• Wiggle eyes
Directions:1. Print the template onto brown paper.
2. Glue the pieces together to make a squirrel.
3. Add eyes and other finishing touches.
4. Glue squirrel onto the stick to finish your puppet.
Try pairing the activity with one of these books:
Because of an Acorn by Lola M. Schaefer
The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri
Little Acorn by IglooBooks
Ask your explorer: • Why do squirrels hide acorns? Do you think they remember where they are?
• What do acorns turn into?
• Do you see squirrels all the time? What do they do as it gets colder?