Mertensia virginica (Virginia Bluebells)
Bloom Time: March to April
Sun Requirement: Part to Full Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Butterflies, moths and hummingbirds
Tolerates: Rabbits, Black Walnut
Native to North America: Yes
Zones: 3 to 8
Other: This shade-loving native wildflower has stunning pink flower buds that open to bright blue blooms. Bluebells go dormant in the summer but will return to put on a spectacular show again next spring!
Location: Howe Garden

Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s Breeches)
Bloom Time: March to April
Sun Requirement: Part to Full Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Bumblebees
Tolerates: Rabbit, Clay Soils
Native to North America: Yes
Zones: 3 to 7
Other: This delicate spring ephemeral produces clusters of fragrant, white pantaloon-shaped flowers. It is a woodland perennnial that has feathery leaves and can spread to cover considerable areas.
Location: Howe Garden

Rhododendron canescens (Piedmont Azalea)
Bloom Time: March to April
Sun Requirement: Part Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Blooms attract various pollinators
Tolerates: Rabbit
Native to North America: Yes
Zones: 5 to 9
Other: This large shrub features clusters of fragrant pink flowers in early spring. Piedmont Azalea makes an excellent shrub border or can be used as a specimen in woodland gardens.
Location: Dogwood Garden

Chaenomeles speciosa (Flowering Quince)
Bloom Time: March to April
Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Deer and birds enjoy this fruit, pollinators use the early spring blooms
Tolerates: Drought, Clay Soils
Native to North America: No
Zones: 4 to 8
Other: This dense shrub typically grows to 6 – 10 feet tall and as wide. It is quite showy in the spring with its bright red flowers. The fruit that follows is edible and quite tasty in preserves and jellies.
Location: Japanese Garden

Aquilegia canadensis (Wild Columbine)
Bloom Time: March to May
Sun Requirement: Part to Full Shade
Water Requirement: Low
Wildlife: Blooms attract hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and moths. Seeds consumed by finches and buntings.
Native to North America: Yes
Zones: 3 to 8
Other: A lovely native wildflower that features drooping, bell-like red and yellow flowers. It has delicate foliage that remains attractive throughout the summer. Columbine is a host plant for the Columbine Duskywing moth.
Location: Howe Garden

Pulmonaria angustifolia ‘Azurea’ (Lungwort)
Bloom Time: February to April
Sun Requirement: Part to Full Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Bees and butterflies
Tolerates: Deer, Black Walnut
Native to North America: No
Zones: 4 to 8
Other: Pulmonaria are an excellent bold-textured woodland perennial. An early spring bloomer, its flowers start pink and turn bright blue. It has fuzzy foliage that is green with white spots.
Location: Herb Garden

Tulipa clusiana ‘Lady Tulip’ (Lady Tulip)
Bloom Time: March to April
Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Pollinators
Tolerates: Drought
Native to North America: No
Zones: 3 to 8
Other: This perennial tulip makes a striking impact with its lovely color combination: rosy red with white margins on the outside!
Location: Howe Garden

Trillium cuneatum (Sweet Betsy)
Bloom Time: April to May
Sun Requirement: Part to Full Shade
Water Requirement: Medium
Wildlife: Beetles
Tolerates: Heavy Shade
Native to North America: Yes
Zones: 5 to 8
Other: Trillium have three leaf-like bracts with a solitary flower. Each leaf bract is mottled with green-gray blotches and the flower is typically a maroon color. A perfect addition to your shade garden!
Location: Howe Garden