Top Plant Picks December 2024 - Cheekwood
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Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana’ (Pfitzer Juniper)

Bloom Time: N/A

Sun Requirement: Full Sun

Water Requirement: Medium

Wildlife: Food source and habitat for birds

Tolerates: Deer reisistant

Native to North America: N/A

Zones: 4 to 9

Other: A wide-spreading shrub that has attractive blue-green foliage year round and is a great addition to a rock garden or used as a low hedge.

Location: Mansion Lawn


Ilex vomitoria ‘Pendula’ (Weeping Yaupon Holly)

Bloom Time: April

Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade

Water Requirement: Medium to Wet

Wildlife: Birds eat the fruit

Tolerates: A variety of soil conditions

Native to North America: N/A

Zones: 7 to 9

Other: A holly with pendulous branches that puts on a spectacular display of red berries in winter and features smooth gray to almost white bark.

Location: Sigourney Cheek Literary Garden


Camellia sasanqua ‘Northern Exposure’ (Camellia)

Bloom Time: October to December

Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade

Water Requirement: Medium

Wildlife: Attracts pollinators

Tolerates: Dry Shade

Native to North America: No

Zones: 6 to 9

Other: Makes a gorgeous evergreen hedge and produces large white blooms with bright yellow centers from late fall to early winter.

Location: Blevins Japanese Garden


Yucca baccata (Banana Yucca)

Bloom Time: May to July

Sun Requirement: Full Sun

Water Requirement: Low

Wildlife: Fruit attracts birds, deer, and insects

Tolerates: Drought tolerant

Native to North America: Yes

Zones: 4 to 11

Other: A unique evergreen plant that is named because its fruit resembles bananas in appearance

Location: Sigourney Cheek Literary Garden


Sedum Sunsparkler® Firecracker (Stonecrop)

Bloom Time: August to September

Sun Requirement: Full Sun

Water Requirement: Low

Wildlife: N/A

Tolerates: Drought tolerant

Native to North America: N/A

Zones: 4 to 10

Other: Ideal for rock gardens, this lowgrowing sedum’s foliage is a rich red bronze color.

Location: Turner Seasons Garden


Ternstroemia gymnanthera Juliet® (Juliet Cleyera)

Bloom Time: May to July

Sun Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade

Water Requirement: Medium

Wildlife: N/A

Tolerates: Heat tolerant

Native to North America: N/A

Zones: 7 to 10

Other: Glossy green and creamy white variegated foilage gives year round interest and new growth is hot pink to maroon in color.

Location: Burr Terrace Garden


Ardisia japonica (Marlberry)

Bloom Time: July to August

Sun Requirement: Part Shade to Full Shade

Water Requirement: Medium

Wildlife: Birds may eat the fruit

Tolerates: Heavy Shade and deer reistant

Native to North America: No

Zones: 8 to 10

Other: Forms a dense evergreen groundcover making it an excellent choice for planting beneath shade trees. Produces small red fruit that mature in late fall and persist through winter.

Location: Blevins Japanese Garden


Thuja orientalis ‘Blue Cone’ (Blue Cone Arborvitae)

Bloom Time: N/A

Sun Requirement: Full Sun

Water Requirement: Medium

Wildlife: Provides habitat for birds

Tolerates: Drought tolerant

Native to North America: N/A

Zones: 5 to 10

Other: This evergreen arbovitae grows in an upright oval and produces blue cones in the winter.

Location: Petite Swan Garden


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