As Cheekwood’s Tots program is temporarily suspended, we are sharing today’s activity for parents and tots to activate at home. Use our files to create your own holiday lights suncatcher, then share your work with us by tagging @cheekwood on Instagram and using #cheekwoodtots!
Here’s what you’ll need:• Holiday lights template• Black construction paper
• Tissue paper
• Scissors
• Contact paper
• Hole punch (optional)
• Ribbon (optional)
Directions:1. Print the holiday lights template and cut it out. Download the template here.2. Trace the holiday lights template onto black cardstock and cut it out.
3. Put the template on a piece of clear contact paper big enough so that it has edges around the light.
4. Stick tissue paper to the empty inside of the light. You can use one color or lots of colors.
5. Once you finish with all the tissue paper, place another piece of clear contact paper over the top to seal it.
6. Cut off the extra contact paper from the edges.
7. Optional: punch a hole in the base, tie a ribbon through, and hang in a spot that will illuminate your piece of Cheekwood LIGHTS. You can also put a piece of tape on the back to attach it to your window.
Try pairing the activity with one of these books:
Mice Skating by Annie Silvestro
The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear
The Biggest Snowman Ever by Steven Kroll
Ask your explorer:• Do you like winter? What’s your favorite part of winter?
• What color(s) did you make your light? Why?
• What is your favorite winter tradition?