Tots! Activity: Nature Brushes
As Cheekwood’s Tots program is temporarily suspended, we are sharing today’s activity for parents and tots to activate at home. Use our files to create your own nature brushes, then share your work with us by tagging @cheekwood on Instagram and using #cheekwoodtots!
Here’s what you’ll need:• Twigs/sticks
• Found leaves, flowers, grass
• String
• Hot glue (optional)
• Paper
• Paint
Directions:1. Go on an adventure outside picking up fallen twigs, leaves and flowers along the way.
2. When ready to paint, use string or hot glue to fasten the natural materials to the twigs to make brushes. If you want to make it easier, you can skip attaching your natural items to the twigs.
3. Use the brushes you’ve made to paint and stamp your own nature paintings!
Try pairing the activity with one of these books:
Grandpa Green by Lane Smith
Florette by Anna Walker
The Balcony by Melissa Castrillion
Ask your explorer: • What did you see on our adventure? What sounds did you hear?
• Compare the natural items you gathered on your walk. How are they similar? How are they different?
• What paintbrush do you like the best? Why?