Tots! Activity: Nature Prints
As Cheekwood’s Tots program is temporarily suspended, we are sharing today’s activity for parents and tots to activate at home. Use our files to create your own nature prints, then share your work with us by tagging @cheekwood on Instagram and using #cheekwoodtots!
Here’s what you’ll need:• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• ½ cup salt
• ¾ cup lukewarm water
• Found leaves, twigs, flowers, or any other natural material that has texture
Directions:1. Go on an adventure outside picking up fallen twigs, leaves, and flowers along the way. Look for items with a lot of texture for best results.
2. Make the salt dough by mixing 2 cups flour with ½ a cup of salt in a medium bowl. Slowly knead in ¾ cup of lukewarm water, or until the dough is smooth.
3. Roll dough into small balls, then flatten them slightly with the palm of your hand.
4. Place natural materials on the dough and press down further with the palm of your hand then remove the item. If you want to turn them into a necklace or pendant, poke a hole at least a pinky width away from the edge.
5. Either leave to air dry or bake at 250 for 1.5-2 hours.
6. Once dry, you can paint or color your creations or leave them as is!
Try pairing the activity with one of these books:
The Hike by Alison Farrell
Run Wild by David Covell
Finding Wild by Megan Wagner Lloyd and Abigail Halpin
Ask your explorer: • Can you help me mix this dough? What does the dough feel like?
• How are the natural items we collected similar and different?
• Can you tell me how we made these nature prints?
• Which nature print do you like best? Why?