3 Tips for Caring for Poinsettias - Cheekwood
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3 Tips for Caring for Poinsettias

Published 12/12/19

If you’ve visited Cheekwood during the holiday season, you’ve probably seen several poinsettias throughout the beautifully decorated Historic Mansion & Museum. Our famous 20-foot-tall Poinsettia Tree is a favorite amongst visitors over the years. Located in the Loggia, the tree is made up over over 500 poinsettias! This year, we’ve added a new Poinsettia Wall to add to the magic of Holiday LIGHTS. Nearly 1,000 poinsettias line the Great Hall in our Frist Learning Center – making the perfect photo opp for visitors.


Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are by far one of the most popular plants this time of year. Want to care for a poinsettia of your own? Check out these three tips from our garden team to insure your poinsettia looks stunning throughout the holiday season:

1. Don’t overwater it!

Poinsettias don’t need a lot of water – just enough to keep the soil medium moist. A small bit of room-temperature water every few days should be sufficient. If you overwater your poinsettia or let it sit in water, it could lead to root rot or wilting!

2. Make sure it has plenty of sunlight!

Place your poinsettia in a spot where it will get plenty of daylight – preferably near a window. Poinsettias are tropicals, so they need about 6 hours of indirect sunlight a day to thrive!

3. Be aware of the temperature and humidity!

When choosing a place to display your poinsettia, keep the temperature in mind – don’t put your plant outside in the cold temperatures. Try to maintain a temperature between 65 – 70 degrees, and be aware that you may have to water your poinsettia frequently if your house is dry during the winter months. Poinsettias originate from Mexico, so they are used to a warmer and more humid climate!

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