Tots! Activity: Mix and Match Animals
As Cheekwood’s Tots program is temporarily suspended, we are sharing today’s activity for parents and tots to activate at home. Use our files to create your own mix and match animals, then share your work with us by tagging @cheekwood on Instagram and using #cheekwoodtots!
Here’s what you’ll need:• Mix and match animal templates
*See template below
• Crayons, colored pencils or markers
• Scissors
• Glue or tape
• Paper
Directions:1. Print out the mix and match animal template and color the animals in. Try to make each animal a different color.
2. Cut out the rectangles around the animals, and then the lines to separate the animal parts. You should have three sections per animal.
3. Mix and match pieces to make your own animals!
Try pairing the activity with one of these books:
Lots of Spots by Lois Ehlert
Dr. Seuss’s Book of Animals by Dr. Seuss
Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails by Nancy Tafuri
Ask your explorer: • What kinds of different coverings do animals have? Fur, feathers, scales, skin.
• Why do you think tigers have fur instead of feathers?
• Why do you think an alligator has skin instead of fur?
• Can you name the new animal you created? Where does it live? What does it like to eat?